Sunday, March 8, 2009

And the Winners Are...

Spring will soon be here and that means our Annual Warm Reads Event has once again come to a close. Thank you to all of you that contributed to the blog! I hope you enjoyed the reviews posted here and that they inspired you to try some new authors or genres. I know I've discovered new authors thanks to all of you. I've also really enjoyed hearing the thoughts and comments about our new blog that you've shared with me during your library visits.

Please feel free to continue to send your reviews online through the review form on the right. We'll continue to post them. I look forward to hearing about the books you've enjoyed.

Winners of our Warm Reads Raffles over the past weeks include:
Susan Birchman
Helen Lynch
K McDwyer
Joanne Pinello Kaley
Helen Meurs
Rosemary Ragonese
Susan Abolafia
Eileen Cuneo
Elaine Light

Our Grand Prize Winners were:
Judy Acocella
Aimee Heinly
Judy Rosenfeld

Congratulations to our winners!