Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Pretend Wife by Bridget Asher

I LOVED THIS BOOK! Okay, now that that is out of the way - Bridget Asher's book The Pretend Wife was just the kind of book I like. I found Asher's writing style to be very witty & relaxed - and I loved her main characters a great deal. I really cared about what was going to happen to them - which is very important for me in book choices!

Gwen Merchant is happily married (at least in her understanding of a marriage she is) to Peter. After unexpectedly encountering her old college boyfriend Elliot Hull, she & her husband accept a very unusual proposition from Hull. Elliot's mother is dying & he told her a little white lie saying that he was married & she shouldn't worry about him. One problem - he isn't really married! After being invited to a party by Peter, Elliot asks Gwen to pretend to be his wife so that he can introduce her to his mother! Shockingly, Gwen's husband Peter is okay with this idea (really?! - yes that was my exact response when I read it!). And that is when I was pulled in - what does this say about Peter & Gwen's marriage? Why would Elliot choose Gwen? How is Gwen going to handle this predicament? Yet, something deeper in the story is the turmoil in Gwen's life of dealing with the loss of her mother at a young age & how that seems to have had an overall effect on her life's choices & relationships. Oh boy! Once you hit the climax of this story, you are already in way too deep!

~Submitted by Samantha